How to use bath water for the garden? Is bathwater good for plants?
A: Yes, it is beneficial, but please do not pour it on the leaves.
Q: I want to save water at home and would like to know if I can use bath water to irrigate my small vegetable garden.
A: Yes, you can use bathwater. However, depending on the type and amount of soap and shampoo you use, pouring water directly on the leaves may cause leaf burn. Water only around the base of the plant. In any case, that's where it will do best.
1. Anywhere you plan to use bath water in your garden, place 3- to 4-inch layers of mulch, such as chopped bark or wood chips, on the soil surface.
Mulch protects soil moisture from weed invasion and also helps create a basic filter to trap contaminants in the bathwater. It also enhances the breakdown of toxins or pollutants.
2. Measure the length and width of your garden and multiply these two numbers to find the square footage. Divide the result by 2.
This number is the approximate amount of gallons of bathwater that can be used without damaging the plants or the environment.
For example, a 500 square foot garden can safely handle about 250 gallons of used bathwater per week.
3. Plug the tub drain and pour the water into a bucket or other large container. Do not store bath water for more than 24 hours.
4. Water the plants with the used bathwater, using no more than the amount determined in step 2.
Use water at the base of the plant without getting water on the leaves or stems of the plant.
If possible, use bathwater on established adult ornamental shrubs and plants rather than on vegetables or seedlings.
5. For the remainder of the week, water plants with fresh water from a faucet or tap.
This helps dilute and flush out any toxins or contaminants that may be present in the used bathwater.
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